How Complycare supports the 7 quality areas
Compliance Record Automation
Stay informed and save time with educator notifications
- Review and archive expiring or expired documents for your administrators and coordination unit
- Easily filter all compliance documents
- Automatic email or SMS alerts sent to your educators and their relatives of expiring documents.
- Increase professionalism and branding with all communications displaying your business logo.
Key Quality Areas

Service Management Administrative System
Become an effective manager through simplifying all management tasks.
- Easily retrieve any document or report
- Create a live Quality Improvement Plan for consistent progress
- Create, download, share and archive policies and procedures
- Customise Home visit records template customisation
- Simply document and action any grievances, complaints and issues
- Effectively manage all tasks, including meetings and professional development,
- Schedule events for staff, educators or families
Key Quality Areas

Staffing Arrangements Records
Continuously improve yourself and your business; organise your staff arrangement records and support your team
- Easily manage staff compliance documents
- Create staff profiles including position, qualification records, educator lists
- Communicate quickly through messaging, keeping your team updated.
Key Quality Areas

Coordination Unit Management
Establish partnerships with educators to ensure families and children are provided with quality early childhood education and care
Assign and re-schedule educator home visits
- Easily access schedule through personal calendar
- Conduct and record online filing of home visitations
- Automatically generate PDF reports for sharing
- Follow up on visit scheduling,
- Archive educator support records
- Record and access history of all communication
- Sign reports digitally
Key Quality Areas

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